On Depression: From my point of view.

I’ve heard about depression.

I’ve been hearing those words since like forever.

I have been feeling down for quite some times. A lots of things that’s been my favorites has becomes meaningless. Foods taste blands. Games and other entertainments feels hollow. Although the worlds is colorful, I felt empty inside. I felt hollow.

Am I a robot?


But maybe I’m a slave. Expected t be this and that. Expected to serve, and receive nothing in return.

Who am I?

Now, to go outside, I have this dreadful feeling that there is monsters looming around waiting to jump on me. With Covid-19 and lockdown, I felt that my life’s getting worse.

I can’t be at home either.

There is a hole inside me. Maybe buying things can help to fill the hole. Nope.

There will always people wanting me to serve them. Never cared about my feeling.

It’s been years that I left my hobbies. Readings. I loved books. But now I can’t do that anymore. I can’t understand what’s written anymore.

My other hobby. Knitting. This one is only when I want to do something menial with my hands.

People’s said that helping others will help put your heart at ease. I’ve tried, but it hurts me more. When they question my motives, I’ve lost.

I’m broken. And it’s getting worse after my mom died in Nov’20.

I’ve gotten worst.

Hasil carian imej untuk on depression

Did I get HELP?

I did.

Does it help? Yes. Slow and steady.

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