On Depression: Let us hear you.

People with suicidal thoughts tak semestinya orang yang kita nampak selalu sedih all the time. Bukan juga yang setiap masa duduk sorang-sorang.

Maybe, they are among the happiest people with the sweetest smile who suffer the most.

Some days they are happy, the other days they’re broken, shattered to pieces. Wanting nothing but death. They tried hundreds of ways to die.

But when they realized and wanted to seek for help, you humiliated them. Making them feel awful and worthless even more.

“Why do you keep hurting yourself?”

“Because I want to numb the pain I feel inside my head. It’s so painful it makes me want to jump off a building and die right away. Death seems to be the only option I have left.”

So, if next time your friend comes to you saying they have problem, listen. They won’t ask much, they just need listening ears.

Do not shoo them away, or saying that they want attention. At this time, do not even talk about dosa pahala. Just comfort them. And if you can’t comfort them, be there for them.